Monday, June 18, 2012

Tinkercad Design

Well, I found this program while looking for good, reliable cad programs, and it is AMAZING! Its called "Tinkercad" and does not work in Safari, but works really well for our purposes. link here. Accounts are free, and its really easy to use. here are a couple of things I have built (no, Bob McBobb is not my real name :).
Im not sure the links will work, but here goes:

One of my homemades

So, this is the second homemade I have built. It is currently inoperative due to me using a rubber washer from it for my other homemade, a snapbow. It is my own design, featuring a bolt that returns to the original position after priming, reducing the user getting smacked in the face. Here are a couple pictures. (apologize for the second blurry picture.)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I am so sorry! I haven't posted in like a month, and I have come really far in a lot of projects. First, I finished the quad fail and gave it a cool PJ to match. Next, Ive modified a NF and gave that a PJ as well. I've made two homemades, one currently inoperative. I attended a war, MANO 8.5. It was really fun, and used my longshot and quadshot to great effect. Well, I should have pictures of a bunch of stuff later today, see you later!