Monday, May 7, 2012


CBS Chicago: There is a household danger, it could kill your child, it is..... the Nerf gun!

Okay, so there seems to be a problem with some stupid eight year olds wanting to paint their "Nurph Gunz" flat black to look "kewl." It takes a few stupid jerks to give a good hobby like foam blasters  bad name. Honestly, one Youtube video of a flat black nerf alpha trooper and CBS goes nuts. If you ask me, why are they attacking nerf when airsoft is MUCH more dangerous? Here is a comparison:

Which looks more realistic? You decide. (HINT: It's the top one) Foam enthusiasts are always temperamental when it comes to orange tips. They HAVE to have an orange tip or your average nerfer freaks out. It's only a couple kids who think it's cool to have no orange tip. (Also, it takes 0 skill to paint a blaster flat black). Airsoft has about an inch, if not less, of orange. Most blasters are brightly colored and have much orange. I think some people are overreacting. (I won't even mention the comment about being "almost blinded") Well, you decide. Foam = death    or    foam = fun.


  1. I don't know if you've seen my "Is modding dangerous" tab on my blog, but I ranted about the same thing. It's so annoying how first of all, these idiots who call BLASTERS "guns". (Wouldn't normally be a huge deal if the "Overprotective parent community" didn't flip shit when we call them that) They do things and don't think about the consequences. It aggravates me because it makes the rest of us look bad.
    The reporters piss me off too because they don't even know what they're talking about, they don't even read anyting on NH or Nrev and note that we have safety regulations at wars and aren't stupid. They also pick the dumbest and "noobiest" people and wars as examples and label that as what we all are.

    (sorry for the ranting wall of text; this subject really gets me going)

    1. ^^I agree with every word you said^^ oh and feel free to rant (:
