Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nerf Hailfire

So, Jerm has found new pictures of the Elite series. Personally, there is only one blaster I am excited for: the Hailfire
<start rant>
It appears to have a rotating clip mech, that I theorize (with nerf's love for half trigger pull rotation) that it will be an odd number of clips where half trigger pull=clip lineup and full trigger pull=dart pusher. With an odd clip number, that would make a space for the dart to fly through. Due to this mechanism, the internals are likely to be a nightmare and modding would be difficult. 

Now, a lot of people hate this blaster for a few reasons: 1. HUGE and no stock 2. Cumbersome 3. flywheel. I find most of these irrelevant because: 1. I LOVE BIG GUNZ YO 2. Sure it's cumbersome, but look at the ammo capacity! 3. I've always liked flywheels. Plus, I think the handle will help TONS. Also, there is a jam door that should help clear any inevitable jams. I wonder how the clips will lock because the little notch is exposed.
<end rant>

Well there it is, and all you haters, all I can say is keep hatin'.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Hailfire looks epic, but I may pass on it because 1. It doesn't fit my gameplay style, and 2. It will probably cost as much as a Vulcan/ Stampede. But if it is less than $40, I will pick it up. I'm actually interested in getting all of the Elite blasters, even though they are pretty much souped up Recons/Raiders/Barricades. I like the idea of the awesome ranges, (hopefully good modding potential) and I'm a sucker for how epic they look. Sorry for the wall of text :P
