Tuesday, May 15, 2012

**WAKES UP** Direct plunger wha?!?!

Soooooooooo SG Nerf has uncannily nabbed a rampage. Kudos to him! The most interesting parts, though, are the internals. Direct plunger? HECK YESH!

Finally nerf has listened to fans begging for direct plungers! (I still hate 'em though**smile**) I might have to break y oath and get a rampage when they come out. Except, Hasbro has an awesome knack for overpricing "New Gunz."

Monday, May 7, 2012


CBS Chicago: There is a household danger, it could kill your child, it is..... the Nerf gun!

Okay, so there seems to be a problem with some stupid eight year olds wanting to paint their "Nurph Gunz" flat black to look "kewl." It takes a few stupid jerks to give a good hobby like foam blasters  bad name. Honestly, one Youtube video of a flat black nerf alpha trooper and CBS goes nuts. If you ask me, why are they attacking nerf when airsoft is MUCH more dangerous? Here is a comparison:

Which looks more realistic? You decide. (HINT: It's the top one) Foam enthusiasts are always temperamental when it comes to orange tips. They HAVE to have an orange tip or your average nerfer freaks out. It's only a couple kids who think it's cool to have no orange tip. (Also, it takes 0 skill to paint a blaster flat black). Airsoft has about an inch, if not less, of orange. Most blasters are brightly colored and have much orange. I think some people are overreacting. (I won't even mention the comment about being "almost blinded") Well, you decide. Foam = death    or    foam = fun.