Monday, June 18, 2012

Tinkercad Design

Well, I found this program while looking for good, reliable cad programs, and it is AMAZING! Its called "Tinkercad" and does not work in Safari, but works really well for our purposes. link here. Accounts are free, and its really easy to use. here are a couple of things I have built (no, Bob McBobb is not my real name :).
Im not sure the links will work, but here goes:

One of my homemades

So, this is the second homemade I have built. It is currently inoperative due to me using a rubber washer from it for my other homemade, a snapbow. It is my own design, featuring a bolt that returns to the original position after priming, reducing the user getting smacked in the face. Here are a couple pictures. (apologize for the second blurry picture.)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I am so sorry! I haven't posted in like a month, and I have come really far in a lot of projects. First, I finished the quad fail and gave it a cool PJ to match. Next, Ive modified a NF and gave that a PJ as well. I've made two homemades, one currently inoperative. I attended a war, MANO 8.5. It was really fun, and used my longshot and quadshot to great effect. Well, I should have pictures of a bunch of stuff later today, see you later!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

**WAKES UP** Direct plunger wha?!?!

Soooooooooo SG Nerf has uncannily nabbed a rampage. Kudos to him! The most interesting parts, though, are the internals. Direct plunger? HECK YESH!

Finally nerf has listened to fans begging for direct plungers! (I still hate 'em though**smile**) I might have to break y oath and get a rampage when they come out. Except, Hasbro has an awesome knack for overpricing "New Gunz."

Monday, May 7, 2012


CBS Chicago: There is a household danger, it could kill your child, it is..... the Nerf gun!

Okay, so there seems to be a problem with some stupid eight year olds wanting to paint their "Nurph Gunz" flat black to look "kewl." It takes a few stupid jerks to give a good hobby like foam blasters  bad name. Honestly, one Youtube video of a flat black nerf alpha trooper and CBS goes nuts. If you ask me, why are they attacking nerf when airsoft is MUCH more dangerous? Here is a comparison:

Which looks more realistic? You decide. (HINT: It's the top one) Foam enthusiasts are always temperamental when it comes to orange tips. They HAVE to have an orange tip or your average nerfer freaks out. It's only a couple kids who think it's cool to have no orange tip. (Also, it takes 0 skill to paint a blaster flat black). Airsoft has about an inch, if not less, of orange. Most blasters are brightly colored and have much orange. I think some people are overreacting. (I won't even mention the comment about being "almost blinded") Well, you decide. Foam = death    or    foam = fun.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Just wow. I am going to change the name of my blog to Manta Foam (Same URL though). Because Hasbro is awful.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

FBR Recommendation

Well, I'd like to start this post with an apology. I haven't posted in a while. It's a combination of vacation, life, and laziness. Well, here is my FBR of choice.
It is called "Comfort Seal" by the company RCR Dennis. I find the quality of the foam to be top notch as opposed to that purple junk from Home Depot.
It is VERY dense and not very sticky, which I have found a problem with in many brands. Here are some comparison pictures.

AND what it looks like in roll form (NOTE: no hard folds or crimps which interfere with the quality)
Well, sorry again for not posting in FOREVER and hope this helps!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Seven days without Nerf.......

So, I'm on spring break vacation and I'm going CRAZY. NO NERF GUNS. AT ALL. So, Don't really expect many updates for a while (they don't sell nerf guns here *sad face*)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Well, the outlaw I posted about earlier is proving to a pain in the "you know where". I'm tring to build a homemade tank using the stock pump and trigger mech, but it keeps leaking somewhere. So, maybe you shouldn't expect a post in the future, maybe you should. I have no idea when I will finish this.

--SIDE NOTE-- Big thanks to Nerfherer on Foam Frenzy for giving me a shoutout, as his blog as LOTS more veiwers than mine ATM. Heres his blog:LINK

Nerf Hailfire

So, Jerm has found new pictures of the Elite series. Personally, there is only one blaster I am excited for: the Hailfire
<start rant>
It appears to have a rotating clip mech, that I theorize (with nerf's love for half trigger pull rotation) that it will be an odd number of clips where half trigger pull=clip lineup and full trigger pull=dart pusher. With an odd clip number, that would make a space for the dart to fly through. Due to this mechanism, the internals are likely to be a nightmare and modding would be difficult. 

Now, a lot of people hate this blaster for a few reasons: 1. HUGE and no stock 2. Cumbersome 3. flywheel. I find most of these irrelevant because: 1. I LOVE BIG GUNZ YO 2. Sure it's cumbersome, but look at the ammo capacity! 3. I've always liked flywheels. Plus, I think the handle will help TONS. Also, there is a jam door that should help clear any inevitable jams. I wonder how the clips will lock because the little notch is exposed.
<end rant>

Well there it is, and all you haters, all I can say is keep hatin'.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The ?ly Epoxy #1

So, I had this idea: A NERF Magazine! so here goes

First up is my latest mod, my BBBB Zerker

I singled both barrels and made a hopper with a homemade wye for it (it feeds stock streamlines by the way). The BBBB barrel gets 90 with a hopper and 100+ with an 11 in. speedloader. My lever trigger also broke, go figure.

Next, my WIP section
List: (I'm busy ATM)
1.Quadshot I've affectionately dubbed "QuadFail" VERY finicky
2. Ultimate outlaw Watergun conversion
3. Airzone Quickfire Sniper
4. Airzone Scorpion bow
5. Longshot (will pretty much never be done)

Now, for the "Other blog post"
I think this guy "NerfHerder" is a nice guy and a great modder. His excellent SM1.5k mod acheives great ranges.

And the awesome "New Modder" section

This has to go to "iamthatcat" over on NH and revisionfire on NR. He has modded several small blasters and a few big ones, here is some of his work.

Well, that just about wraps this up, bye!
I am working on a Buzz Bee Ultimate Outlaw, so expect a post sometime in the future.
Well, i figured I'd throw up some of what I have.
 Longshot with Barricade integration
 Brassed scorpion bow
 Stock manta (look at my name)
 BBBB (AKA Berserker)
I have LOTS more.


NEW BLOG! Hello I'm The Manta and I will be starting this blog. Well, that explains it :)  This will be a source for mods by me and by other modders out there. NERF ON!