Friday, March 23, 2012

The ?ly Epoxy #1

So, I had this idea: A NERF Magazine! so here goes

First up is my latest mod, my BBBB Zerker

I singled both barrels and made a hopper with a homemade wye for it (it feeds stock streamlines by the way). The BBBB barrel gets 90 with a hopper and 100+ with an 11 in. speedloader. My lever trigger also broke, go figure.

Next, my WIP section
List: (I'm busy ATM)
1.Quadshot I've affectionately dubbed "QuadFail" VERY finicky
2. Ultimate outlaw Watergun conversion
3. Airzone Quickfire Sniper
4. Airzone Scorpion bow
5. Longshot (will pretty much never be done)

Now, for the "Other blog post"
I think this guy "NerfHerder" is a nice guy and a great modder. His excellent SM1.5k mod acheives great ranges.

And the awesome "New Modder" section

This has to go to "iamthatcat" over on NH and revisionfire on NR. He has modded several small blasters and a few big ones, here is some of his work.

Well, that just about wraps this up, bye!
I am working on a Buzz Bee Ultimate Outlaw, so expect a post sometime in the future.
Well, i figured I'd throw up some of what I have.
 Longshot with Barricade integration
 Brassed scorpion bow
 Stock manta (look at my name)
 BBBB (AKA Berserker)
I have LOTS more.


NEW BLOG! Hello I'm The Manta and I will be starting this blog. Well, that explains it :)  This will be a source for mods by me and by other modders out there. NERF ON!